The Port Angeles Symphony offers three programs to provide our youth with the opportunity to participate in quality, live music. Adventures in Music is for elementary grade K-5 children and is designed to develop their music appreciation and participation. The Nico Snel Young Artist Competitions showcase the talents of our most accomplished student musicians. When funding is available, the Symphony offers scholarships to certain players in the Orchestra.
The Adventures in Music (AIM) program is a collaborative educational project of the Port Angeles Symphony Orchestra and the five public school districts in Clallam County, Washington. In addition, programs are offered to the Queen of Angels parochial school, Olympic Christian school, and the home-schooling organizations in Clallam County. Teachers receive supporting curriculum materials and suggestions for integrating the arts into other academic areas. There is no charge to either the students or the schools that benefit from this program. Al Harris develops and coordinates Adventures in Music.
Each academic year Adventures in Music presents performances three times to every elementary school in Clallam County. Performers present each program sixteen times over a period of approximately two weeks. The latest project statistics indicate that over 4,100 students benefit from the program each school year. Additionally, there are approximately 250 teachers and administrators involved in the project. Click here to learn more!
The Young Artist Competition and the Junior Young Artist Competition are open to any North Olympic Peninsula instrumental student who meets certain age requirements. The Competitions are held on the last Saturday in January. Competitors perform a 10-minute (maximum) selection of concert-quality music, and the winner of each Competition receives a cash award. The Competitions are adjudicated by North Olympic Peninsula music teachers and Symphony musicians. Each September, we feature the winners at our Concert and Cuisine special event. Please visit our Young Artist Competitions page by clicking here for entry information and the latest information for these competitions.

When sufficient funds are available, the Symphony may award scholarships to improve player proficiency. Scholarships are generally awarded to players who have performed in at least four of the last five concerts and are regular participants in rehearsals. In addition, players must remain in the Orchestra for at least another year after receiving a scholarship. If you qualify, please contact the Symphony office for more information.