Information for Potential PASO Players
What We Expect from our Orchestra Members
We are a volunteer community orchestra that has been playing since 1932. We value the dedication, the time and effort that it takes to be a member and want you to enjoy your experience in the orchestra. This is a team effort where each player’s actions influence the outcome. Out of respect for each other, for the great symphonic repertoire and for our audience, we as players subscribe to the expectations outlined below. Even though this is a volunteer orchestra, we discipline ourselves so that we can achieve something special.
High school students must go over the schedule and personnel form with their parent(s) at the beginning of each season and secure a parent’s signature (in addition to the student's).
Typically, you will be asked to meet on before or at the break of your first rehearsal to play something of 5-8 minutes duration that demonstrates your musical and technical range (memorization is not necessary). Additionally, you may be asked to play a scale or two, demonstrate a particular technique, or sight-read a passage from the orchestra literature.
Click here for a list of expectations (including attendance), an outline of responsibilities, and other information for you to read as you consider joining the orchestra.