We are proud to offer the following opportunities to our patrons:
The Port Angeles Symphony Orchestra is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Your cash donations are completely tax deductible.
Annual Giving
Many levels of giving are available. Donate once or several times in a year.
Music Benefactor
Help the Port Angeles Symphony buy and rent scores that will be needed during the season. At the yearly auction, you may choose what piece you would like to sponsor. Click here to learn about the Applause Auction!
Adopt a Musician
Many opportunities present themselves throughout the year to pledge support of one of the soloists. Often these are your friends and neighbors! Click here to contact the office for more information.
Musical Chairs
Please consider adopting an instrument for the new season. Individuals, families, and friends can join together to adopt a cherished or favorite instrument or section. Click here to see your options.
Gift of Stocks
If you wish to donate gifts of stock, please click here to contact Symphony office for instructions.
Legacy Giving
Planned Giving is a strategy to arrange gifts through your estate plans to benefit the Port Angeles Symphony Orchestra as well as your personal, financial and tax situation. Please contact the office for more information by clicking here.
IRA Distribution
Annual withdrawals from traditional retirement accounts are required after age 70 ½. By donating part or all of your annual IRA minimum distribution directly to a designated qualifying charitable organization, such as the Port Angeles Symphony, the distribution to the charity will count towards your minimum mandatory distribution for the year but will not be included in taxable income. This is sometimes referred to as a "charitable rollover." Talk to your IRA Trustee or tax advisor about how you can use IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions to support the Port Angeles Symphony! (Certain rules apply.)